Monday, March 2, 2015

The weekend update...chipmunks, chimneys and frozen pipes

SO a huge thank you goes out to my dear friend Kevin who helped me lug yet more furniture from another apartment on a friday night, then get up at 8 am and drive up with me to then unload said furniture into the cottage.  Felt really good to move some of the larger items up there and get it ticked off the list.  Also got a big reality check as the plumber was there fixing the stolen pipes with PEX pipes.  Crazy to see how little of the pipe was stolen, but i am glad as it doesn't look too bad.  The scariest part was the icicles dripping from the kitchen tap (faucet) and i had a minor freak out, but i have to remember that it isn't my responsibility to worry about frozen pipes just yet.  I was assured they will all be fine and the heating back up and running by thursday! Either way it was a sharp reminder that this will all be my responsibility after thursday.  Thankful i have enough people around me to be able to call and have a freak out too, and be told everything will be fine. SO everything will be fine, and if not i can fix it. 

Here i am appreciating the wonderful window treatments, of course they are staying, no way in hell! Still cant get over the light every time i am here. Mostly i was getting over how freezing it was with out the heating on and having a silent panic attack.  I spent a little time investigating the chimney situation, only to be greeted by a cute chipmunk in the chimney.  He has a nasty surprise eviction coming on friday, as cute as he is.  It was really wonderful to have my friend get just as excited as i am about the floors and the space and all of it.  Also every time i am there i see more details.  The summer house has all these amazing built ins that i didn't notice.  They are going to be beautiful all painted up.  SO many projects to do.

A little view from one of the roads.  It feels so good to be out of the city 

This was a quick sunday visit to build it green which is a great architectural salvage place in queens.  I meant to pick up more shutter but totally forgot, i blame the cold, (or the hang over) but i was a nice trip in the snow.  
So now its almost time to get the keys, thursday will be here before i know it
Till then.....

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